WALHT:Develop understanding about ethos,pathos and logos
Persuasive Reading Analysis:Caged Animals
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing. Read through each
strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.
Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main
point or stance
The author stated the main point clearly in the first sentence of the article the sentence said
“Most animals kept caged in zoos will never know how living free feels”
This sentence is a very powerful statement which I think helps the reader get more interested in the article.
Big Names – Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument
In this article the author mentions a gorilla called Willie B who is Atlanta’s most famous animal and who is one of the main points of the article.Referring to this particular animal allows the reader to relate to the situation that the writer is trying to get the reader to agree with.
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or
facts to support the argument
To state the main point of the author’s article the writer stated that Willie B has been in a cage for his whole life which is 20 years and he hasn’t had a chance to mate with another gorilla nor has he had the opportunity to know the natural environment that nature has provided for him.This is a great fact to use that makes the reader/ audience want to know more about what Willie has missed out on.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
There could be many emotions that go with this article. I think one of the main emotions is sadness because reading the statement that the writer makes about Willie B not being able to run around or have fun outside of a cage promotes empathy/ Willie instead has only known what it is like sitting in a cage, locked behind bars with people he doesn’t know just watching him do his daily routine.
Ethos – Tries to build trust and
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Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency
for the cause
For this article the urgency might be to make sure that the animals behind those cages know where their natural habitat is and being able to see other species of their kind to be friends with and actually get a chance to have freedom for once in their life.
Research – Uses studies and
information to make the
argument seem more convincing;
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations
The writer used specific information and facts about Willie B and how he is unable to do anything from outside of the cage that animals he type can do which does have an effect on many people from reading the article. But one of the main facts about Willie B being in a cage his whole life talks about his habitat and him not being free which takes up most of the article.
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