Ko te Ratu o te poutu-te-rangi o tenei ra.
As part of the Mediation training we are learning about the characteristics of behaviour when dealing with conflict.
Responses to conflict
people act differently when they are involved in conflict.
Characteristics of a turtle
- Denial
- Avoidance
- Withdrawal
Characteristics of a teddy bear.
- Suppression
- Accommodating
- Acts as though nothing is the matter.
- Put up with it for the sake of peaceful.
- Stays cheerful but refuses to talk about the problem
- Often feels cross with him/herself afterwards.
Lose-Win situation
Characteristics of a shark
- Aggressive control
- Situation
- Win-Lose
- Set out to prove another person wrong.
- Refuse to take no for an answer
- Outsmart them
- Lay lawn down
- Compromising
- Win some-Lose some
- Do what’s fair
- Divide equally
- Avoid clash of wills
- Makes concessions to keep a friendship
- Co-operative
- Problem solving
- Situation:Win win
- I want to win but i want you to win too
- I will state my needs and listen to yours
- Brainstorm ideas to solve a problem
- Make concessions to keep a friendship
- Negotiate a mutually acceptable solution
Great work Natalia, you were very focused to complete so much work today.